The IHAC, known as the Inter-University Higher Academic Council, operates as an Association of global scientists and has attained the status of University Council Paris through collaborative initiatives with the OXFORD NETWORK and several other universities, including the International University of Fundamental Studies (IUFS), Tarptautinis fundamentalių studijų universitetas (TFSU), World Academy of Cinematography, and the International Higher Academic Council. Under the management of the British Council, UK, IUHAC offers IELTS, while IUHAC OXFORD PRESS publishes scientific journals and books.
Being the sole successor of the Intergovernmental Higher Academic Council (IHAC), which existed from November 12, 2007, to July 1, 2015, IUHAC retains all accreditation rights and benefits. The International Higher Academic Council (IHAC) collaborates closely with the OXFORD EDUCATIONAL NETWORK – International University of Fundamental Studies (IUFS) and serves as a comprehensive and unique research institution with international accreditation. IHAC addresses significant global issues, both theoretical and practical, and comprises internationally recognized scientists.
IHAC operates within a multi-level organizational structure, including the Presidium of IHAC (headed by the President), Joint Academic Council (in collaboration with IUFS), Specialized Academic Councils, Advisory Council (by agreement), a group of scientific supervisors and scientific advisors (by agreement), and various levels of Secretariat. Academic Councils and scientific advisory groups consist of both local and international experts.
IHAC engages in preliminary work with candidates from different countries for international academic degrees (bachelor, master, doctor, Grand-doctor) and organizes the defense process, awarding academic degrees and ranks based on merits. Applicants for International degrees must possess higher education.
IHAC outlines specific criteria for each degree level, emphasizing the real manifestation of research abilities, independent research, theoretical and practical problem-solving, and proposing new directions in a particular science for bachelor, master, doctor, and Grand-doctor degrees, respectively.
Scientific criteria include the search for, identification, and explanation of real events based on factual evidence, consistency with analyzed facts, reliability of conclusions, and the theoretical and practical significance of the material. IHAC allows the defense of theses based on a totality of published scientific works in exceptional cases.
IHAC grants International scientific titles of Professor and full Professor, recognized in over 150 countries worldwide. IHACM (International Higher Attestation Commission) is functionally part of IHAC, providing defense of theses and issuing international certificates. IHAC also manages scientific laboratories and research centers, offers academic programs, and engages in individual and collective scientific research.
IHAC creates specialized publications, including scientific journals, almanacs, thematic collections, monographs, and editions in various languages. The organization organizes international congresses and conferences and may establish regional offices in different countries. IHAC awards degrees and titles according to its Nomenclature and recognizes scientists internationally.
The IHAC, through its General Council, has the exclusive authority to issue relevant international diplomas and International Passports of Scientists. In 2023, in collaboration with the International Charity Foundation of Humanitarian Interaction, IHAC grants the Honorary Title of Ambassador for Peace with a Gold Medal for Philanthropists and Scientists under the World Scientific Congress – Science for Peace. The provisions of this partnership may be supplemented and refined, with all responsibilities for enforcement attached to the President of IHAC.
Prof. Mahatma Santhi Jayasekera.
President- IHAC