For the defence of a thesis for a degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Grand-Doctor Philosophy (GPhD) at the International Higher Academic Council of the International University of Fundamental Studies (IHAC IUFS) You need to submit to the secretariat of the Dissertation council of the University the documents as follows:
1. An application addressed to the Rector of the University.
2. A profile.
3. An autobiography.
4. Copies of a regular and foreign passport.
5. A text of the dissertation in 3 copies and its electronic version in Word Format.
6. An abstract in 15 copies and its e-version.
7. A supervisor’s (consultant’s) review for the dissertation and its e-version.
8. A list of scientific works and publications, an article about scientific work for the publication in the journals «Spirit of Time» (in Russian) and «The World Scientists» or (in English).
9. The text of the report at the meeting of the Academic Council and its e-version.
10. A copy of the diploma (s) of higher professional education (undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, doctorate studies).
11. A copy of a patent (s) for an invention (scientific discovery) in science which field the thesis is defended in (If you have).
12. Three photos without a stamp area (3.0 X 4.0 cm).
13. Also in 1 month before the expected date of the thesis defence the following services must be paid: preparation for the defence of the thesis, printing and registration of the diploma/certificate, layout of a scientific article in the journals «Spirit of Time» and «The World Scientists».
All the documents must be copied to the same e-media (CD, flashcard).
Admission to the defence of the dissertation is approved by the order of the Rector of the University with the notation of the time and place of the IHAC IUFS meeting