Passport of Scientific Speciality of Syucai Science – 32.050


Field of Science:


Group of scientific specialities:

Integrative medicine

Name of the branch of science in which degrees are awarded:

Syucai Sciences

Number of scientific speciality: 32.050

IHAC 32.050  Syicai Sciences

Research areas:

1. Study of the deep psychophysiological mechanisms underlying the author’s Science ‘Syucai’, developed by Professor Zhanat Kozhamzharov IUFS-MUFO.

2. Study of the validity and reliability of the results obtained in the course of practical activities of a specialist Science ‘Syucai’ and provided by the theoretical and methodological basis, systematic and multidimensional analysis of the scientific problem under study, as well as the adequacy of the selected empirical methods, the goals and objectives.

3. Philosophical and psychological analysis of the theory and practice of the Tibetan science of SYUCAI.

4. Research and development of the practice of Numerology Science ‘Syucai’ as a science of energy transformation in human health, which is a whole complex of interrelations of the known 49 chakras of the human body, providing its harmonious interaction. all 14 meridians (and 12 paired and 2 unpaired meridians – channels of control and action).

5. Investigation of digital-time structures of a human being as an individual, a personality, a subject of activity, as a polymorphous carrier of digital-time orderings of different order.

6. Improvement of practices of a new revolutionary philosophy of consideration of the problem of interpretation of the individual digital code, aimed at overcoming the dissolution of philosophical analysis in its purely numerological interpretation. 

7. Investigation of mutual influence and interpenetration of the scientific potential and therapeutic tools of the Tibetan science ‘Syucai’.

8. Investigation of the technique of global correction of the whole organism from the positions of Psychology Science ‘Syucai’, as an energy practice aimed at the impact and correction of dysfunctions in dense and subtle matter, which also serves as a preventive measure to achieve a stable mental state, harmony and cognitive growth.

9. Research, improvement and implementation of techniques of knowledge, awareness and correct interpretation of one’s individual digital code, influencing both the physical state of a person and the psychology of his behaviour, emotional reactions, often changing his place and role in social life.

10. General and particular psychological regularities of changes and recovery of mental activity in various pathological states and developmental anomalies from the point of view of Psychology Science ‘Syucai’.

11. Study of social purposes of personality manifestation in the material World: moral karmic duty, spiritual, monetary, material, full liberation (MOKSHA) – when spiritual turns into material and there is already a free flow of energies.

12. Analysis and identification of psychological factors influencing the occurrence, course and overcoming of mental and somatic diseases and other persistent states of disadaptation from the point of view of numerical and temporal relations.

Related specialities (within the group of scientific speciality)

1) IHAC 37.001 General Psychology, Age Psychology, Personality Psychology, History of Psychology

2) IHAC 37.008 Integration psychology

3) IHAC 37.0 62 Psycho-body transpersonal technologies (Bioenergy-plasticity (Yoga-Dance), Yoga, Eastern martial arts, Slavic martial arts, Gurdjieff movements, etc.).

4) IHAC 37.065 RIPT – Resource Oriented Integrative Psychotherapy.

5) IHAC 37.0 7 2 Psychoinformatology

6) IHAC 37.05 7 Psycho-energetic transpersonal practices

7) IHAC 37.05 8 Transpersonal psychotherapy. Theory and methodology, methods, tools, psychotechniques and psychotechnologies of transpersonal psychology

(8) IHAC 31.129 Neuroscience.

9) IHAC 23.005 Acmeology

10) IHAC 37.05 6 Transpersonal and Integrative Psychology

11) IHAC 37.060 Transpersonal Anthropology

Degrees awarded IN SYUCAI SCIENCE

1) Bachelor’s degree

2) Master’s degree

3) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of  Syucai Science.

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